Use Protection, Wear a Helmet
It's interesting how cycling helmets have so much opposition. Excuses for not wearing them are plentiful:
Helmets among cyclists are a great necessity. If you don't wear a helmet around one of us, you don't look cool, and you do look funny, and chances are we won't want to ride with you. Look cool. Wear a helmet.
Give it a week and you will wear a helmet for the rest of your life. I feel naked without my helmet and even a little scared. As a mountain biker, I've had quite a few accidents that were nothing because I wore a helmet. Hitting my head on that rock didn't take me out of commission. Click here for a great story on how my helmet either saved my life, or at least the quality of it. Since I was wearing a helmet, we'll never really know. The answer to this question should never be known.
I have never injured my neck in a fall. Sure, neck injury is possible, but if you consider how many cyclists hit their heads each year without inducing neck injury, you'll see the odds are on the helmet-wearer's side.
Here are a few tips for wearing your helmet:

Ride long enough, and a situation will arise where a helmet will save your noggin and allow you to ride another day.
Easy Steps to Properly Fit a Bicycle Helmet
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
Helmets among cyclists are a great necessity. If you don't wear a helmet around one of us, you don't look cool, and you do look funny, and chances are we won't want to ride with you. Look cool. Wear a helmet.
Give it a week and you will wear a helmet for the rest of your life. I feel naked without my helmet and even a little scared. As a mountain biker, I've had quite a few accidents that were nothing because I wore a helmet. Hitting my head on that rock didn't take me out of commission. Click here for a great story on how my helmet either saved my life, or at least the quality of it. Since I was wearing a helmet, we'll never really know. The answer to this question should never be known.
I have never injured my neck in a fall. Sure, neck injury is possible, but if you consider how many cyclists hit their heads each year without inducing neck injury, you'll see the odds are on the helmet-wearer's side.
Here are a few tips for wearing your helmet:

Ride long enough, and a situation will arise where a helmet will save your noggin and allow you to ride another day.
Easy Steps to Properly Fit a Bicycle Helmet
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
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