Tuesday, April 29, 2008

With Freedom Comes Uncertainty

It's truly amazing how we often wish for the freedom to do whatever we want. For most of you reading this blog, that would be riding your bike.

It looks as if my financial aid is nonexistent for the summer semester at Tech. This is going to force me to withdraw from summer classes because don't I really have $4,000 just floating around somewhere. I wish I did. That would rock. I'd go back to Fruita! (I don't claim to be a responsible spender!)

With my almost newfound freedom, one question keeps resurfacing: what am I gonna do? I will continue to take call and work random shifts at the hospital, but my hours are so sparse that it doesn't really seem like a commitment. With summer comes vacations, though. Even filling in for others' vacation time, I am still going to have a lot of free time. So what do I do with it?

Allow me to state the obvious. I will ride my bikes. All three of them. I will continue to road ride, and work on my cyclocross skills and anaerobic fitness, and I will do LOTS of mountain biking. I will also do a lot of trail work. I love trail day. This should be a fun summer.

Knowing how time-consuming my bike habit is, I know that I don't have a lot of free time. That's why work got in the way. ;-) However, on the eve of my two final exams, I'm not only worrying about how I'll do on those, but I'm worrying about how my summer will turn out.

I'm sure I'll have a plan by next week.



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