Keweenaw Awe
I am very fortunate to live in an area that never ceases to amaze me in a truly wonderful way. In a place where very few can hack it, true beauty is found in the serenity of the Keweenaw Peninsula.
My teammate, Pat, and I returned to Calumet yesterday morning from our race. I hopped in my Pathfinder and took the back roads home as usual. There was a clear sky and the sun was in a spot that made the sky and the lake appear dark blue. The colors were rich and I couldn't but help feel my heart leap as I took in the view.
The following is a pictorial of what I saw.

This road is low in traffic and offers challenging hills and breathtaking views that can make the most mundane ride incredible.

The Keweenaw differs from the Eastern Upper Peninsula that is so well known to Michigan's southern citizens. Instead of roads lined with pine trees, birches and maples highlight the landscape.

Lake Superior offers a panoramic view unique to the Keweenaw.

Many deer can be found down by the lake this time of year. This one decided to walk away from my vehicle.

This deer dismissed me almost as quickly as it noticed me. She decided to meander in the direction of her friend.

This gal gave chase as she ran down the road with me slowly following her. She eventually ran into a clearing on the side of the road and looked behind as if to say, "Ha ha, you can't drive your Pathfinder here."
My teammate, Pat, and I returned to Calumet yesterday morning from our race. I hopped in my Pathfinder and took the back roads home as usual. There was a clear sky and the sun was in a spot that made the sky and the lake appear dark blue. The colors were rich and I couldn't but help feel my heart leap as I took in the view.
The following is a pictorial of what I saw.

This road is low in traffic and offers challenging hills and breathtaking views that can make the most mundane ride incredible.

The Keweenaw differs from the Eastern Upper Peninsula that is so well known to Michigan's southern citizens. Instead of roads lined with pine trees, birches and maples highlight the landscape.

Lake Superior offers a panoramic view unique to the Keweenaw.

Many deer can be found down by the lake this time of year. This one decided to walk away from my vehicle.

This deer dismissed me almost as quickly as it noticed me. She decided to meander in the direction of her friend.

This gal gave chase as she ran down the road with me slowly following her. She eventually ran into a clearing on the side of the road and looked behind as if to say, "Ha ha, you can't drive your Pathfinder here."
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